Sunday, February 20, 2005

my very first real entry

people love to stereotype law students. it's as if we are GOds you know. we are supposed to know everything and anything that functions on this earth.

Mary (one of my managers at work) : Zhiwei, poouurrr the water into the AIR-POT outside plEEaassseee???
Zhiwei : airport???? (i never knew airports existed outside my workplace. the only other airport i knew
was the option at the top right hand screen of my ibook.)
Mary : Yaaaa. the AIRPORT outside! you know you know, the airpot, hot water one!
Zhiwei : (what the heck?) ????
Mary : Wah lau!!! the hot water flask la!!! for them to drink coffee and milo one!!! Air-pot la! you dont know
Zhiwei : Ya! how i know!!!?? (i mean, it's just a hot water flask man!)
Mary : YOU LAWYER WHAT! YOU KNOW AH, JUST NOW ah..etc.... blah blah...blah

i couldnt hear the remainder of her sentence(s) cos i was en route to the airport already.

So i have learnt a new term for a hot water flask. perhaps thats why God wants me to continue working here. i learn something new everyday. Anyway i am at work now. 1 hour ago, i learnt of some business tactics from MAry. she was teaching about how to organize a large company and its resources. her sis happens to be a lawyer as well.

i do respect her, Mary. she's quite a character. and she's fun to be with. oh. my colleague just complimented me. 'nice hair'.
ho ho ho back to work. (reading blogs, books, deciphering God's will, natural law.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol... Air pot... that's the kind where u press a button at the top and the water sorta flows out eh? Singaporeans should learn to pronounce their words properly hehex...

9:10 pm  
Blogger shoo said...


9:26 pm  

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