Wednesday, February 23, 2005


different people work in different ways. some people thrive on compliments. some people, you cant compliment them too much.
some people, the more you compliment, the more they will stop complimenting themselves. and be secure.
others, the less you compliment, the more they will compliment themselves. to be secure.

have you figured out where you are?

dear sylvia. sorry about steve. it was really an accident. i had to obey the law of gravity, and there was no mens rea. but i am sorry all the same. sometimes...things just go wrong. many things like to go wrong. why do things go wrong?

answer me please, God, friends, and whatever else that is existent in this world.


Blogger The Pimping One said...

hmn. tonight, manu's gonna kick ac's butt. big time i tell ya.

erm some shameless self promotion here.


seriously i lost 5 kg. incredible! Liam Keng Really Works!

9:14 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

yeshye yeshye liang jing jing... liang popo's distant cousin...

12:30 am  

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