Monday, December 05, 2005

return of the mushy - i love joni kok episode 2

ok i love joni and here are some photos of the lovely girl and i.

so how did we get together?
we went to this restaurant, Wild Rocket, opened by a ex lawyer. i think shawn wants to follow his footsteps. but anyway, do try the strawberry cheesecake. it is wonderful! the restaurant is located at Hangout Hotel, Mount Emily. it is a very nice place.

they have a romantic rooftop garden on the 7th floor. as it is located on a 'mountain', it overlooks the city area and you can see suntec and the rest there. we went atop, admired the scenery a lil, and i presented the flowers before her and asked,

'Baby, will you be my girlfriend?'

To which she replied: 'Yes.'

And that was it. old fashioned and formal. but i like it formal. must put it clear amd unequivocally la. express words. and now that i have blogged it, it is in writing as well. Yay! ok enough talk. some pics.

at the hotel lobby. so cute the deer. and the girl.

at the hotel lobby. so cute the guy. (i was coerced into taking the foto.)

the rooftop garden. see it 'live' lagi nice i tell you.

moments after we got together, beaming with love.


this was taken after property paper. we went out had dinner and walked walked.

Me on the deckchair where shawn helped planted the flowers. thanks to sylvia too. i owe you guys a million.

my precious darling with the flowers at the garden. the flowers are really pretty. we went to rochor taohui place after we left, and this auntie kept staring at the flowers. she took the opportunity to clear our bowls after we finished and commented: 'WAH! HEN MEI LEH NA GE HUA!'. i was quite puzzled as to which was beautiful, the girl or the flowers. probably the former. but seriously, the flowers are damn pretty, and many people beo-ed them. they were so matching with her purple skirt.

Joni made these little penguins. haha. the fatter one on the right is 'me'. FYI, i am twice the weight and mass of joni. but i will cut down soon. dont think the tummy is very lovable.

ok, hope i grossed you guys out again. i am going for ANNTIC camp, monday to saturday. bye bye and God bless!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha..mon have no idea how happy i am for you, even here over on this side on the world! congratulations! sorry, but you'll have to put a hold on losing that tummy while i'm back..hope to see you and the rest soon! meanwhile, joyeux Noel et une tres bonne nouvelle annee!

5:13 am  
Blogger Jerry said...

I was bored in my lecture so bumped around the net and hit your blog and read your part 2 story.. Dude.. now even the nerds sitting me behind me got your blog address.

8:11 pm  

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