Thursday, November 03, 2005

MY BIRTHDAY BLOG. FINAALLY. ok its been a weekend of surprises seriously. i never expected people to care so much, and they did. So it's a wonderful feeling! Thank God for friends, and thank God for birthdays! Thanks to all you fellas who made my weekend! thanks to YOU DEAR especially!

Surprise 1: Joni coming down to NUS on friday morning to pass me the card. wah lau call me ion the morning tell me you are at NUS when i was still at home! thankfully pam drove so i could see you for at least 15 mins! ok shall not thank you further here. elsewhere.

Surprise 2: Cell group surprised me with a carrot cake from Cedele! the best carrot cake i have eaaten! i seriously was not thinking of it la. cos last week they were threatening NOT TO CELEBRATE for me so although it was just a lil something, i genuinely DID NOT EXPECT IT! thanks guys and girls!!!

Saturday night, baey shumin evelyn sylvia victor shawn and i went for dinner at newton. enjoyed the food and the delicious OR LUAK. i SHIOK the or luak down. ate a lot leh. yah the stingray and all. was so shiok. then came surprise 3.

Surprise 3: Jun Jun came with a cake from Island Creamery! (i love island creamery cakes, really). i kinda guessed the surprise when Jun was speaking on the phne to me when we were at Newton. aiya, complicating story la, but that was really sweet of Jun! and thanks to Janice and Angie who were there too!!! i loved the cake. ReversO packed.

Surprise 4: BakerzInn at Fullerton. Initially i was complaining that i was wearing damn lousy cos i thought we only going Newton mah. but i am glad i wore just t-shirt and berms. ok it's another complicating story, this one, with us bumping into Jordan at Esplanade and me spotting Nick Grace Azmin KT before anyone else did. actually i am still confused. was the surprise meant for sylvia and i or me? and then there was the Jordan coming in and telling us about Pam quarelling with some outside guy and the guys going out to 'rescue' her, and the finale:

Melissa Liew running straight at me, in slow motion with a pandan cake coated with SinSin Extra Hot Chilli Sauce. (more on the cake later). i thought she was running towards me with a cake and going to present it to me. little did i know that she was going to smash it on my face. WOW. as if that was not enough, KT took it up from the floor and SPLAT! again on my face. ok.... after a while it got really painful and then there was the toilet fiasco.

i washed my face neck and body in the toilet for half an hour, writhing in agony. the toilet aunty was quite pissed. the public thought it just came from a gangfight. WARNING: Sin Sin Extra hot chilli sauce is KILLER. do not ever let in come into contact with your face. it's meant to be in your mouth, not your face, or neck, or back. IT IS AS PAINFUL AS GETTING BURNT BY HOT WATER. MY SKIN WENT FROM BEIGE TO RED. OUCH OUCH OUCH! AS I TYPE THIS THE PAIN IS COMING back. my hair is STANDING.

haha yah although it was really painful, it WAS FUNNY and yah.. thanks anyway guyS!!! yes manu, thanks. i would have preffered JAM, but ya la, would be only half as funny right. anyway, friends, really, thanks for all the presents. SERIOUSLY THANKS!!!! i had no idea my 23rd would have so much stuff, cos i was not thinking of anything at all. no party, no big dinner, just simple stuff. SO, I CANT THANK YOU GUYS ENUFF FOR EVERYTHING.

sunday - went for NEW CREAtion service, which waas really good. (no not only the company). every point made by Pastor Prince related to me. after that, hung out with Joni for a while and i had dinner with parents and sis.

OK, the exciting part - the FOTOS!

sis and i at dinner. she looks kinda funny here.

most of us at Fullerton at the end of the night, after the surprise and all.

evelyn shumin baey and sylvia, having a fun time, i suppose.

Jun Janice Angie and me at Newton with my lovely cake. IT WAS REALLY SWEET.

Dad and Mum.

Shawn and Vic eating Choot Choot. i love Choot Choot very much.

Mummy and i sharing seafood platter with beef. i love food.


US at newton!


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