Wednesday, June 11, 2008

God has always been good.

you know, i believe God is always good. the circumstances may be bad, but God always wants the good for us. sometimes adversity does not pass by immediately, or the 'good' we want does not come our way, but God's intention is always for our good and well being. and it does come.

the past sunday at church was a real blessing. i was a little down because i was going to be alone at service, and there were many issues bothering me, and i thought i was going to be late and to miss worship. but events turned around miraculously. i didnt need to fetch my granny, turned up late by 15 mins fopr the servie but in time for worship, and God met me there and ten. He comforted me and told me as always, and as usual, that He is taking care of me. my finances, my work, my illness, my life, my family.

and in the sermon, i was reminded by pastor mark that God will make good our mistakes for us. yes we should still do our best, but we must trust that God is in control. our human efforts will never be enough to make good the situation. but God can. it was a real good message and testimony.

Thank You Lord God, for being my God, and for you Jesus, for dying for my sins and giving me the blessed life.

First 3 days at work has been good. not too busy, to let me acclimatise to the place. more updates soon, and also on my euro grad trip to come soon. it was the greatest holiday i have experienced.

God bless.


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