Thursday, May 19, 2005

star wars

i have become a star wars fan in the past week. i just thought of star wars sometime last week, then i thought and thought and thought. and i thought it was very interesting, the story and all, and i read an article and some special on it in the newpaper, and i remembered that a few years ago i had tried becoming a star wars fan but could not. perhaps, the force was not strong with me then.
but now i am a stars wars fan. i watched episode 1 and 2 on sunday afternoon. then episode 4 on monday night, 5 on tuesday night and finally, last night in my room, episode 6. so touching, when vader kills emperor because of his son luke skywalker. the whole series, from my point of view is the sad story of anakin skywalker, who was supposed to bring balance to the force, i still dont get what that means exactly. but ya its his sad story. he is my favourite character. tonight, thursday night, i am watching episode 3: return of the jedi with jun xudes marcus ian lion-king shawn and vic and boy am i excited. i think i wana eat prata bomb b4 that that. the movie is effectively friday morning 12.10am.

anyhow, right now i am hard at work. heh heh. actually i have swept the floor this morning. but there was no charming girl to sweep off her feet, or i bet i would have. haha. the other day i vaccuumed the hall. ok la. these are my daily exercises. PAM-PAM. why no competition? i want my buffet!!!
pam's work experience reminds me of the time i was working at asian aerospace in changi. had lotsa food, foreigners, experience, and fun. your work sounds so fun. i love having new expeiences.

the lawflowers have started jamming. very fun. but we need chords. anyone has any song dedication? hahahha. erm. sorry, none from you kianteck. hahahha.

ok i shall stop here, since i am at work.
verse of the week: jeremiah 29:13
'you will seek ME and find ME when you search with all your heart'.
had a great chat with gary the 'yoda' hahaha on monday night. with some kway chap (pam, the one outside your house there, the deep frided pig intestines were wonderful). and we talked about a lot of things, and gary encouraged me a lot in my search for a deeper understanding of GOD.


Blogger "bill" said...

maybe we should play sth by our namesake, the wallflowers, like "heroes" or "one headlight". or more matchboxtwenty songs.

11:05 pm  

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