Thursday, June 09, 2005

richard nixon and the flying giraffe(s)

The series of impersonations has gotten Grail country in a furious chaos. People are hardly recognising each other anymore. The turmoil will not end, according to experts, unless the impersonaters are exposed. Will the real slim shady please stand up?

Shouts of 'Freedom! Burn the scams!' are heard all over the streets, particularly in the outskirts of the town 'weh ji pong'. Student organizations there have been crying to officials to quickly expose the impersonaters.

'We can't have lessons anymore', says teary eyed Rendezvous Tan, a 15 year old student at the Chiu Chiu Ni Pang Ga Mang Secondary School. 'I used to be a straight As student, but now, my future is ruined. I cant trust those who teach me anymore! Is the world really flat? Do i have to shit facing the square box or can i face the outside? It's much more difficult to read my magazines that way! I need to know the truth'.

Educators warn against the false teachings propagated in schools today. You can wipe your A$$ from the front or back, it does not matter. As long as you get it cleaned. You sure? Is there any objective truth? Such is the reign of terror in the land today.

ChannelOldsAsia Reports


Anonymous Anonymous said...

zhiwei!!im going Us on 2nd july!!!i sibei hua hee!

9:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ni shi coherent de man!!!

12:03 am  

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