Sunday, May 22, 2005

hard at work

i am beginning to like working here at ACTS again. altough it can be boring sometimes, i have found a way of getting myslef occupied when there is nothing to do. i have decided to be an expert in the BIBLES. so i will just hang around the bible collection and help people find their ideal bible. yes, i think that would be good. there are so many different bibles; i would like to know what each one provides. this way, i will be able to interact with people and talk. i love that.

recently i have been coming back to GOD and speaking and telling him all my woes and stuff. and i sense a revival coming. in me. and i think that is wonderfull. i think i am changing drastically, really mostly bacause of the circumstances i have been through and of cos my present life situation. and it's kinda interesting how your perceptions change, your attitude changes, and so many things change, and you just step back , and wonder, hey, how did i land up like that? i like change though. sometimes i almost cant recognise myself.

was at work and was thinking hard. life is so different in the hols compared to back in school. all that slogging, walking to and fro the law lib and PGP, those lunches at engine canteen, arts canteen, and biz canteen. and the people around you. it's scary how i was trapped in law school for that period. my life revolved around law school and its inhabitants. and thats scary. it does feel like a breathe of fresh air now. and i like it. i like the breath of fresh air.

saturday i went back to school for FOCC meeitng and half of the councillors weren't there. met many faces i have not met in a long time. strange how people you used to see every single day in the past now appear only once or twice a month. and on that saturday, i got a whiff of that law school vibe. as much as i like law school SO FAR, i think i need break from the law library. therefore, i have come to a powerful conclusion. perhaps, it is time to take a step back from school, and not attend every class. besides, i scraped through this sem. although i was in school most of the time, i can safely say i wasnt doing work. i was just...there. just being there. and i would think that i manged to get to know my topics well only because i worked my ass off in the last 8 weeks, amidst all the turmoil.
NOW, might i get away by attending less lectures? is that possible for sem 1 year 2? i certainly think it is. and, if i were to stay in school, i better put in the 100%. i dont wanna be in school for nothing.

lemme rethink what i was so busy with this i camp preparations...that was quite a bit...i had law ball....that was a lot...really a lot of work...but it was fun. i think i spent a lot of nonsense time in the library or hanging around...and a lot of time just thinking..or being sad....thats bad. thats real bad. i'd raher be out watching a movie or eating. or reading non law stuff.

but i better do better than this first year, cos i discovered that i can. just have wasted too much time.

i know what i miss from year 1 sem 1. when i was staying at home. i miss the breakfasts i had with pam and shawn. i think we only had 2, so i dont know whehter you can call that missing? but it seemed so fun then...exciting maybe? law school was still exciting. and new and mysterious. maybe i just miss eating good food, cos school food sux. really sux. at my workplace, it is great, cos it is in chinatown. wow. shiok. oh talking about workplace, delphia was here just now.

on a last note: put your hope in GOD only, only HE never fails you. humans are so prone to err. and i am talking a lot about myself by the way, in case some people misunderstand. Man is really a darn fallen creature.
i am on quite an adventure to see GOD work strongly in my life. therefore, i shall strat reading leviticus. to see whether i can get holier.

GOD bless. the bookshop is closing, time to go home for dinner and rest for tomorrow;'s cell outing at sentosa!!!!!!


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