Thursday, July 21, 2005

in response

This is in addition to a friend's response. This message also goes to christians especially, and, myself.

Just do the right thing that you know GOD wants you to do and everything will be alright. Too many times we know what to do but we fall and we choose the wrong route and we get hurt and we suffer the consequences and we ask, WHY WHY WHY.....

When in the first place we consciously decided to trod the wide path, which leads to destruction. Sin has its consequences. But if we repent and seek for forgiveness God brings healing.

The road to recovery is open. It starts with us.

that aside, another friend of mine has been trying to matchmake me too. she is aunty Rebecca, my 49 year old colleague at ACTs. she also constantly asks me to pray for my future wife. and she asks me to pray using Proverbs 31. and this is my favourite verse out of that chapter -

'Charm can be deceiving, and beauty fades away,
but a woman who honours the Lord deserves to be praised.'


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