Sunday, October 30, 2005

sorry for this damn late update fellas!!!!

Wah ok it's been a real long overdue entry. has been a thrilling 1 and a half weeks since my last update and boy i must say, it has been EVENTFUL, with most 'events' being non-tangible events, instead, they are conducted via cable lines. did i say i love free incoming? i also love my mum, who went fone shopping with me at Toa Payoh and she brought me to this amazing Roast Meats house at the central. Wah Lau it was simply SHIOK. the Duck they put the Beijing Duck type of sauce. The noodles got Pork Lard in there. WAH WAH Heaven!!!!

There was the fun trip out at Ghim Moh last last friday, with Leon-Keng Shuwen Jiax(pronounced as Jugs) Victor Kerong Bob. having the car is wonderful, i can eat at Ghim Moh!!!!

Then there was the VERY INTERESTING karaoke session at PartyWorld ORchard with Bernice Gerald Shawn SYlvia and me in a corner. haha. OK anyway it was hell fun and i enjoyed singing all the Chinese songs. i am, after all, Chinese, and a worthy cousin of Ah Du. i should give Jay Chou a run for his money. Looks and talent wise. HAHAHAHA.

After that we headed to Rald's and met the rest for our combined birthday dinner. Popiah, Curry, Heh Lua(prawn omelette, the cousin of oyster omelette and it is pretty daarn good!) and shiok Tiramisu. Bernice should consider opening a cake shop. After all, she wants to be a tai tai right? and thats what many lawyers do what. leave practice and open restaurants and cafe. waste public funds! haha. had an awesome time with the KIAs there and guys, only you can make me laugh like that. if anyone ever thought i was funny or mad - you gotta meet my brothers. and of cos, the sisters who were there - Jun Jun and Bernice. a certain ahem ahem TQ *coughs* UI was not there though. haha yah thankks FELLASSSS!!!!

all right, God's been amazing and i am SO ashamed of myself for doubting Him sometimes. WHAT A FOOL I AM!!!! Sorry ah God. Went for New Creation service this sunday (30th October) and it was really AMAZING how every point Pastor Prince made related to me. Even Joni thought so and it was quite incredible. More on that and my Birthday post SOON. for now, these are the pics for the aforementioned events:

Leon Keng 'Stevens' at Gerald's sofa after dinner.

the KIA from the left: Leon Shawn Rald Pongs Maycus Xudes Ain. Lion King is SO GAY.

Xudes HengJun and Marcus, who is so full of shit. How to protect our skies? haha! Serious-Lee!

Gerald and Bernice, the Sweet couple who made the fabulous Tiramisu. i ate at least 6 slices.

the TIRAMISU. Looks like Heaven, tastes like Manna. ok i am just talking nonsense by now.

Shawn ME and Gerald at the Karaoke! Gerald is inherently AH BENG.

Jugs and KERO at Ghim moh. 'What you looking at?'

Me and my favourite roast duck rice, JiuJiang @ GhimMoh. sorry dear i prefer it to Johnson!

Kero, Shuwen, Vic, Black Chai tow Kuay, White Chai tow Kuay. they are all my frens.

ok CLT in 13 days. sHIT. Trial in 1 day. by the way law peeps i am the 'back in Lib' zhiwei already. CJ Koh so familiar, so reminiscent of Law School Year 1 days. all the year Ones doing their Binder. feels not too bad to be back.

Dear God, thanks for Blessing me and showing me YOUR LOVE. (no it's not only that, frens, i see God in many other ways too, dont think so little of me ok?). And to YOU, thank you for everything and aLL i am learning.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

trial & advo last class!

The most fun ever class has ended. So Sad! i must say we did end with a bang. We were terribly unprepared, we went shopping and eating b4 class albeit not being prepared; we went for SHIOK dinner after class, full attendance including Mr Lai Yew Fei. Each person contributed $10 and FeiFei(the girls call him that) topping things up with a $50 note! WE Love you FeiFei!!!!

We had bloody a lot! Erm sotong, mussels, lala, stingray, pineapple rice, Seafood Hor Fun, Kangkong, xiao bai cai, oyster omelette, baby squid, satay, forgot what else, and desert too! banana split for me! ate like MAD!!!! DAMN FUN!! and of cos as usual, we were laughing like mad. we were going around the table sharing out special talents.

Christine: 'I have the ability to make people think i am a bimbo when i am actually NOT!'

Aiya too many things were said la they keep asking me to blog it but i forgot already! Sorry ok! but i very TIRED!!! but ya, you're my BEST TG ever and i hope we can stay together for Legal Case studies! I LOVE TRIAL ADVOCACY!

Lilian Claire and Pervert Bob at dinner!

the 'Defence' - Kero Pav Grace Lilian Nicole and FeiFei.

Shuwen and Christine 'i am not bimbo' Huang Mingsi at dinner. ok la sorry she's really a very nice girl.

the 'Prosecution' - FeiFei Claire Christine Shuwen PervertBob and Yeshye

Lai Yew Fei - the legendary trial advocacy tutor who looks like andy lau tony leung rolled into one. Who dare to day your tutor more handsome than mine!?

the Maddest class EVER! at class. this was when FeiFei walked out for awhile. trust me, we really are mad! even during class! it's a whirlwind in there. LOOK at stupid Grace Tan's POSE. haha she's damn funny!


Yeshye Zhu hanging out on the comfy sofas in the boardroom b4 class.

Yeshye having Kaya Toast eggs and Teh Beng b4 class. Nicole Christine Kero and i were having a nice chat at Raffles place whilst Grace and Shuwen were shopping.

YEAP. I LOVE TRIAL ADVOVCACY. and thanks Shiny for tagging! :)


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Give Thanks!

Keeping up with my practice, this is an unrelated picture. ok maybe it is related. anyway this was from the JB trip last week which i suffered so much from. I DONT CARE WE MUST GO AGAIN!!! I NEED TO EAT THE CRABS AND THE SWEET AND SOUR PORK AND THE BUTTERED CRAYFISH!! GIVE ME!!!!!!! yasmine having a whale of a time.

ok today's post. Gratefulness. Despite being down and out last week with mumps, i would like to thank my creator aka God, the MAN upstairs, for several things. Yes of cos in this life it seems there is always a lot to complain about and say like Life sux or what, but i think we should also count our blessings! so First, thanks to ALL THOSE who expressed their concern at my being sick and sore last week. those SMSes, MSN messages, phone calls emails ETC ETC. Especially to U for caring. And anyway even if any of you DID think of me but did not send your regards personally, its the thought that counts, SO, thank you anyways.

2nd thing: for the great rest and recuperation from everything. the 5 days that i spent at home, albeit boring, helped me to take a break from my busy life and think reflect, and enjoy TV. i dont usually watch TV but for soccer and wrestling. i also managed to read a lot of nonsense and shed 5 KGs. SO thank God for that.

3rdly: yesterday at Mission Training (Team Meeting 3) at Matt's house, the food was DAMN GOOD. His mum can cook DAMN WELL and we had this roast Pork thing, Chicken in Mustard-and-something thing, Beef stew (i freaking love beef stew), Potatoe salad with tuna (SHIOK) and his dog was damn cute too. oh and we hada great dessert! and not to forget (more importantly), a good time of Bible Study, Sharing and discussion. Yea what a great time i had.

4thly: this week and next is rather exciting. This thursday got TG outing and i hope we are going BREWERKS BREWERKS!!!!!! i want the KING BRU BURGER and hmm... yea saturday is my combined birthday dinner with gerald tan. YAY!!!! and sunday is YM lunch where the leaders get our ANNUAL TREAT!! yea and next week, i think i am meeting a few groups for DInner cos it is my birthday week. yes lots of food lined up for ME.

lastly, just a very general thing, i just wanna thank God for everything. i am in an exceptional mood today though nothing really happened today. ok there was Pam who was very excited about something, which really amused me. She's just a PORK BALL who i wanna kick down the business slope. there was my really shit Company tutorial, which i didnt know nuts about cos i totally didnt study, but i still found it fun. Well just talking to people, enjoying humans' company, that's what life's about right? yea! oh ya and today was the Law King and Queen nomination day for the Year Ones. that was interesting too!

OK my beef brisket noodles are here. my mum just bought back from Toa PAyoh Central and they are my FAV beef brisket noodles!!! YAY!!!! another thing to be thankful for. see ya guys.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

This picture has totally NOTHING to do with today's post but i am just displaying it cos it is funny and i like to reminisce. Also, this pic has prompted many people to curse and scold me on msn. Apparently, it 'scares' them. i think that is quite strange. what's so scary about this pic? Details about this pic:
It was taken on a sunday after church where some of us Wesley youths/young adults were gallivanting in Plaza Singapura. i think we had lunch at the food court and were just browsing around. these are fake eyes from Spotlight. behind me is marc. we can only see his hair from here and on the far right is Chuu Ling.

OK now on to this post proper. I do not intend to scare anyone with this information. it's mainly to instill a little urgency into me. i've been at home almost the whole week but not done any work cos when you are sick and suffering in pain, you dont exactly wanna further torture yourself by studying. i spent my time re-reading Dragon Ball Comics for the 10th or 11th time. so on this beautiful sunday morning, a rare day that i am not at church (cos i am still sick), i woke up and start thinking about the exams. i opened my little notebook calendar and surveyed the number of days till the exams. and that is scary.

As of today, the 16th of October (how did september fly by?):

4 weeks and 1 day to CLT paper(29 days)
5 weeks and 2 days to Property paper (37 days)
6 weeks and 1 day to Company paper (45 days)

which effectively means 46 DAYS TO THE HOLIDAYS!!!!!!

this piece of information is really unnerving, considering how little i know about CLT. think it's time to be back-in-the-library-zhiwei again. i really have to buck up from now on.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Mumps is terrible

Down with mumps this week. It's really terrible. had it since monday night and i have been suffering hell. for the past 5 days i have only been eating porridge or milk. NO SOLID FOOD. Sigh. i wonder when will i fully heal. i am healing today, thank God. but yet, am missing cell cos i am afraid it will get worse.

wednesday, some of went JB ''Da Ma Hua Yuan" for dinner. in the afternoon i felt much better so i thought it would progressively get better. little did i expect that the moment i stepped into yang lin's car, the pain started increasing and by the time we reached our dinner place, i could barely talk. ARGH. needless to say, i could not eat. AARRGGHH. let me recount what they ate.

2 chilli crabs
1 pepper crab
pig organs soup
hotplate beancurd
sweet and sour pork
deep fried butter crayfish (which was really really delicious)
sambal kangkong
baby kailan

and only 5 of them ate la. all i could do was eat porridge and stare at the food. SIGH. well i also tasted the sauces, that's all i could do. SIGH. there was Yang Lin, Yan, Yasmine, Jerry, and Gary. well it was fun if not for my STUPID mumps. ARRRGH.

so i have been home all the way. damn boring. cant do work also cos it's so painful, i cant even think properly. i read a lot of dragonball comics and i slept. i also lost at least 5 Kgs. imagine eating only porridge and milk 4 days in a row. ARRGH. i caught the 40 Year Old Virgin on tuesday night at Cine, its really lewd, but quite funny.

tuesday night was also the night i went to TTSH. was too painful to bear already. Thanks to you 2 for coming down, i REALLY REALLY appreciate it.... and after we had supper at Al Ameen haha. i didnt eat la, but i introduced my mum to my favourite cheese prata. but that day's standard not too good. whatever it is, i enjoyed myself.

i also missed trial advo class!!! AARRGHH. i am damn upset!!!!!!!!
ok good things about this sickness - i got a good rest, got to relax from my hectic lifestyle, lost some kgs so maybe can fit into some of my shirts. and also, received concern from friend(s).

SO, i hope for a greater week ahead and still praise God for everything.

Thursday, October 06, 2005



I am so blessed to have such a wacko class and rather slack. ok maybe they are not that slack but whatever it is, it is sure damn funny and yesterday's class was really.... SPASTIC! Of course credit goes to the tutor who seems to be oblivious to our peals of laughter and acts as if nothing is happening. That makes things even funnier. He's nice. anyway these are some pictures la. Not everyone is is inside but i will sure put up a comprehensive foto guide after we take more photos next week. We are going to go BREWERKZ with Mr Lai, our tutor. and yes, i will put his picture up. the cross breed of andy lau and tony leung surely credits a photo or two.

PAV 'Lean Back' G at the Rostrum at *****&**** Advocates & Solicitors.

Me entering the 'auditorium' at *****&**** Advocates & Solicitors, where we have our lessons.

From left, Bob, Claire, Shu 'my muffins are delicious' wen, Kerong, and Grace in the auditorium at *****&**** Advocates & Solicitors.

From left, Nicole, Bob, Claire, Shu 'my muffins are delicious' wen, Grace at *****&**** Advocates & Solicitors.

From left, Claire, Shuwen, Grace, Lilian at *****&**** Advocates & Solicitors.

this was just yesterday. i find her neck brace VERY amusing. it looks like the mun tou that you put your 'kong ba' in. very fun to punch. i kept doing neck exercises to tease her, AHAHHAHA.

Let me recount some of the stupid things that were said. one of the funny things was bOB aka kinyew. apparently he has some pronounciation issues. He kept pronouncing PROBLEM as PAW-BERM and PREMISE as PRAIR-MICE. and we were just laughing throughout his cross examination of Nicole, who was putting on a filipino accent, acting as the maid, Mercy Bonifacio. However this accent was somewhat strange as it warped into half filipina and half Malay and half Indian. HAHA. ok thats like 1.5 right but ya you get the drift. anyway my highest qualification for Math is O Level E math. so ya, cant be faulted on that right?

Moving on, there was GRACE Tan the idiot, acting as the Maid, Mercy. i am the Defence Counsel, Cross examining the her. So i was questioning her on Exhibit 2, a message sent from 'Maria', which read : 'Get rid of her. Find way to complain about her, i have number for embassy'. obviously, 'her' was my client, Madam Lao Gu Por.

Me: Mercy, can you tell the court, who is this 'her' Maria is referring to?
Grace/Mercy: it is.. OH it is NINI! NINI! Nini is pregnant so we hate her so we want to get rid of her!!! she slept with my boyfriend! Nini is another maid friend of ours!
Me(dumbfounded): WTH!!!????

turns out that 'Nini' is actually grace's real life maid's name. WTH.

Then there was Nicole. Bob was Defence counsel for Madam LAo Gu Por, cross examining Nicole, acting as the maid.
Bob: How could Madam Lao aim at you and yet hit the cupboard? Surely she was not aiming at you.
Nicole(in thick Filipina accent): she wanted to throw at me. but. i think, she is 45, no play basketball, so she missed(and hit cupboard).

Last but not least, there was Lilian. i thought this was the best. Shuwen was Defence, cross examining Lilian, acting as the maid, regarding the message sent by Maria, which read:' Good luck. Short pain to take care of long pain'. LAw students, i am sure you know what this meant.
Shuwen: What 'pain' are you talking about?
Lilian: Oh. erm. oh my exercise regime! Short pain to take care of long pain what!

yeap. truly was a wondrous 2 and a half hour 'lesson'. we then had cze cha dinner/supper at one of the coffeeshops at Circular Road. AAHH. if only all lessons were so fun.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

shiokay after company law and property

This week was stressful and i am just happy it's over! 1 thing about the last entry: Yah i am not upset anymore. Thanks for that sms on saturday night 24th September after you read my blog. Appreciate it.

I tried quite hard already la for both the assignment and the test. I did put in a fair bit and so if i get a C, so be it. I will just keep trying harder, i hope. Last sem's C for LAWR really discouraged me a lot. I was speaking to a certain someone[aka li nanxing] and he was just telling me i should not give up. I agree la. spend 5 hours in library only study 2 hours is really crap. I gotta work smarter than that and not let my brains go to waste.

Had a particularly enjoyable thursday. first was the good lecture by SC Cheng Han. He can speak really well. but Jinhuang can impersonate him really well too haha. had me rolling in the MC room that day when jinhuang did the fantastic impersonation. 10/10 funny.

Then shawn sylvia kaiyuan(kailing) kero and i went IKEA for lunch and shopping, thus skipping the CLT lecture. Had trial advo at night and boy was it funny. ok these are my TG:
nicole(the black frames one)
grace(the madder one)
and me. i like this TG cos we are slack and we got a strange tutor. he looks like andy lau from the side and tony leung from the front. Obviously, you're going to get lawschool girls HOT over him. haha. and he's a salaried partner at this LAw Firm called 'something & something.'. so after class on thursday we EIC-ed him and grilled him with some questions. these are among others:

mumble mumble No time.

mumble no car. no money. take bus everyday. gave my money to NKF.
Class(in unison, but me very loudly):

LYF: No. i work 9 to 9 daily and i bring work home.

lyf: See how.

I get a feeling we have been bullying him . Especially when he asked us whether we were ready to EIC other witnesses (this was during classs) and some answered like: 'i thought i told you just now i am not prepared?'.
And when all of us were saying 'NO, not prepared' , he just went: 'Ha... why? next week must prepare leh'.
Was really quite funny. then a certain C also told him: 'We know we are your first Trial advo class. but you dont need to be so strict and uptight. Relax. it's not like this class or grades is V impt to us. anyway it's only a pass fail.' haha. i thought that was really really funny man.

whatever it is, he's quite nice la and we are planning to dinner and karaoke this week. SO FUN!

As for friday, as usual, school day, and the female drummer for the year 1's best band, jaime, is quite good. Saturday, had MEET training, and i love MEET so far. very intensive. lots to read, good Bible study, discussion, i am so excited. Thank GOD for the opportunity man.

sorry that i was unable to witness your crowning of champion law band, caveat emptor. you guys rock and i really think you guys are great. serious. i would have gone for saturday's concert..just that... i had OTHER stuff. not nice to say here.

Finally, today, visited nick's church, St John St Margaret at Dover Road. i enjoyed the service. was quite fun visiting another church. i might do that more often. after that, a whole bunch of us went ghim moh to have lunch, yea it was fun!

Today is my sis 19th bdae. we went Tony Roma's at Suntec for dinner and these are some of the pics!

the family at Tony Roma's.

mum and sister at my place downstairs. we going en bloc soon so take some fotos b4 they tear it down.

my dad posing with some Porshe at the carpark. Sorry Dad, we aint that rich!

another trademark pic of me and some food. Shiok BBQ chicken drumstick.

my cute lil 19 year old sis holding the Roma Feast. quite good.

me posing.

Yeap thats all Folks! see ya all and God bless you!