I am so blessed to have such a wacko class and rather slack. ok maybe they are not that slack but whatever it is, it is sure damn funny and yesterday's class was really.... SPASTIC! Of course credit goes to the tutor who seems to be oblivious to our peals of laughter and acts as if nothing is happening. That makes things even funnier. He's nice. anyway these are some pictures la. Not everyone is is inside but i will sure put up a comprehensive foto guide after we take more photos next week. We are going to go BREWERKZ with Mr Lai, our tutor. and yes, i will put his picture up. the cross breed of andy lau and tony leung surely credits a photo or two.
PAV 'Lean Back' G at the Rostrum at *****&**** Advocates & Solicitors.
Me entering the 'auditorium' at *****&**** Advocates & Solicitors, where we have our lessons.
From left, Bob, Claire, Shu 'my muffins are delicious' wen, Kerong, and Grace in the auditorium at *****&**** Advocates & Solicitors.
From left, Nicole, Bob, Claire, Shu 'my muffins are delicious' wen, Grace at *****&**** Advocates & Solicitors.
From left, Claire, Shuwen, Grace, Lilian at *****&**** Advocates & Solicitors.
this was just yesterday. i find her neck brace VERY amusing. it looks like the mun tou that you put your 'kong ba' in. very fun to punch. i kept doing neck exercises to tease her, AHAHHAHA.
Let me recount some of the stupid things that were said. one of the funny things was bOB aka kinyew. apparently he has some pronounciation issues. He kept pronouncing PROBLEM as PAW-BERM and PREMISE as PRAIR-MICE. and we were just laughing throughout his cross examination of Nicole, who was putting on a filipino accent, acting as the maid, Mercy Bonifacio. However this accent was somewhat strange as it warped into half filipina and half Malay and half Indian. HAHA. ok thats like 1.5 right but ya you get the drift. anyway my highest qualification for Math is O Level E math. so ya, cant be faulted on that right?
Moving on, there was GRACE Tan the idiot, acting as the Maid, Mercy. i am the Defence Counsel, Cross examining the her. So i was questioning her on Exhibit 2, a message sent from 'Maria', which read : 'Get rid of her. Find way to complain about her, i have number for embassy'. obviously, 'her' was my client, Madam Lao Gu Por.
Me: Mercy, can you tell the court, who is this 'her' Maria is referring to?
Grace/Mercy: er..er...er. it is.. OH it is NINI! NINI! Nini is pregnant so we hate her so we want to get rid of her!!! she slept with my boyfriend! Nini is another maid friend of ours!
Me(dumbfounded): WTH!!!????
turns out that 'Nini' is actually grace's real life maid's name. WTH.
Then there was Nicole. Bob was Defence counsel for Madam LAo Gu Por, cross examining Nicole, acting as the maid.
Bob: How could Madam Lao aim at you and yet hit the cupboard? Surely she was not aiming at you.
Nicole(in thick Filipina accent): she wanted to throw at me. but. i think, she is 45, no play basketball, so she missed(and hit cupboard).
Last but not least, there was Lilian. i thought this was the best. Shuwen was Defence, cross examining Lilian, acting as the maid, regarding the message sent by Maria, which read:' Good luck. Short pain to take care of long pain'. LAw students, i am sure you know what this meant.
Shuwen: What 'pain' are you talking about?
Lilian: Oh. erm. oh my exercise regime! Short pain to take care of long pain what!
yeap. truly was a wondrous 2 and a half hour 'lesson'. we then had cze cha dinner/supper at one of the coffeeshops at Circular Road. AAHH. if only all lessons were so fun.
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