Saturday, November 26, 2005

it is really just a few more days

ok so CLT went well and Prop Law was not too bad. so, despite a sem of slacking, things are turning out quite fine for my standards. company preparaton is going on well and so i am happy. i just cannot wait for the exams to be over. the holidays are going to be jam packed for me. yes before i know it, it will be over.

in december, i have a 6 day 5 night VCF camp in JB. i also have a 3 day 4 night Cell retreat in Pulau Ubin. Followed by a 4 day 3 night secret camp under MEET, where i will be missing Christmas. ok it's really jam packed.

been enjoying the past few weeks of studying though. quite interesting, funny, enriching. And meeting joni almost everyday, eating engine food. sometimes the routine of it all makes you feel comfortable. but knowing the hyper person i am, i dont like being stuck in routines. i like spontaneity. i like change. it's exciting. but of cos, when you meet someone special, that does not need change. somethings you can keep for life.

Whatever it is, i think it is important to enjoy every phase of life that we are put through. looking forward or backward all the time can be detrimental. we can enjoy today just as much as we did for yesterday and we think we are going to for tomorrow. as Bernice said in cell yesterday, our attitude defines a lot of things. i quote the Man, Jesus, from the Gospel of Mathew Chapter 6:

Do Not Worry
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

what another wonderful passage! Yea. ok, so now, i will endeavour to just enjoy life, work hard, make friends, love the people around you, and be happy. Life really is as happy as you make it out to be.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

a beautiful passage

i am studying in the library now but for the past 2 hoursor so have been really restless and i can't seem to get much work done. well, at least i have completed what i wanted to do. i think the mortgages chapter took too much off my brain power. anyway, i was just thinking random thoughts and reminded of this verses my mum messaged me. there were also on Gerald's msn nickname. this is for all my friends who are weary, lost, waiting, and just in turmoil or not good state. Thank You Lord for revealiong Your mercy and everlasting truth!
I take this beautiful excerpt from Saint Paul's letter to the people in Philippi.

Philippians Chapter 4, verses 4-7:
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

i think sometimes it is so very hard to quantify what it means that 'God's peace' will come upon us. it is just so ...IFFY it seems. what are we talking about when 'our hearts and minds will be guarded'? I can never explain it in words, at least not for now. But rest assured that i too have doubts on God occasionally and this 'peace' thing that we Christians talk about. Seems so flimsy and all.

However, when God comes upon you, you know at that moment, God is real. The feeling/phenomenon cannot be explained in English, nor any other language(i think). when it comes, you just know. i am a doubting Thomas, I AM. but God spoke AGAIN during worship last night at cell and i know that HE is real.

So for those friends, especially jaded christians, please dont give up your hope. continue seeking, and God will refresh and renew you. as for any of you who want to talk to me about my faith and why i believe etc etc, do feel free to call or sms or email or comment me or anything. i LOVE to discuss and talk about Christianity and what it entails. it is not a religion.

have a good day people!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

legal traditions of the world

eh eh eh eh eh eh eh HELLO HELLO!


woo hoo.

The past week was pretty much mugging all the way la. but of cos it was slightly special cos i got to see her almost everyday. i got to say that the engine canteen prata is seriously not la dey, not bad. in someone's words, 'HAPPENING~~~'

ya i like their telok bawang(egg onion) and their kosong is tasty too, and quite crispy. its 40cents only man. so damn cheap and it's gooooood! their other dishes are good too so do try NUS Engine Canteen's Indian Stall! i rate it as BEST STALL IN NUS!

(in the words of Jose Mourinho) - trust me, believe me, i am the special one.

Saturday: we went kerong house for dinner and to watch Z, the movie on the Civil LAw legal system. And his daddy cooooked for us. Roast duck, Roast pork, Kung Pao Chicken, and Caulifower with indian spices. we had an enjoyable time. There was Vic Kero Shawn Joni and I. As for the movie, i dont think it helped much la. But i enjoyed it anyhow. As for the CLT paper on tuesday morning... well it went pretty well for me. i was aiming for C+ la and i think i should get at least a C so i am quite happy. but i think there is a possibility of a B. Sooooo, i am happy la.

I am now SO big that i look at the mirror (topless) and i freak out. it's a result of the food therapy i have been helping myself with. Exams turn me into a monster. Cannot Cannot. i am SO SCARED now that i am going to run. Yes, Now, on wednesday 10pm. i have to run. then saturday i shall swim. i need to.

Thank You Lord for the miracle on tuesday morning that helped me complete my paper. Thank You Lord for tasetebuds that help me appreciate food. Thank You Lord for the small things in life that i take for granted. Dear Lord, help me to be more like YOu each and every day. Thank You for your grace and mercy.

Psalm 23:1
'The Lord is my shepherd, i shall not be in want'.

Good day friends. now for the pics!

enjoying the food at Kerong's.

cauliflower fried with curry and some other spices!

ok sorry this is a bad shot of the duck.

some friends of mine think i look like him. sometimes i agree.

a younger pic of the North Korean Leader.

Kungpao Chicken. (chicken cubes fried with dried chilli)

fatty roast pork.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


i am feeling quite scared cos i am damn fat, shit, better start eating less and running and swimming. shit shit shit shit.

On the other hand, i am not stressed about the exams. I admit i could have done better this semester, but well, i am happy la. I decided, life is not about exams. And as Michael Ewing Chow said, 'Exams are not the be all end all. they are but one indicator of how well you have done in school. they are not the complete assessment of your education.' Anyway, i think i might not want to work in the big 4. i dont want to work 9am to 11pm days. that kills. i dont want. i want to knock off at 7pm, thereabouts.

Another thing i decided on. I will eventually do something in my life that I ENJOY DOING and I AM GOOD at. Meaning, if i really dont like practising law, i think i am quite willing to walk away, even though there may be a pay cut, initially. It would be better to do something i like and enjoy and excel in. It also doesnt neccessarily follow that i would not be as wealthy if i pursued my dreams or interests. So there. But i must say, i DO enjoy studying Law. A LOT. it's one of God's best gifts to me so far, coming to Law. Thank God.

Oh yah, Trial Advo, i laughed at my opening Statement. Could not control myself at the last few sentences and i just burst out uncontrollably. HAHA. i laughed so hard, i had to go out. AH. and the tutor was just looking at me blankly throughout my laughing fit. it was really funny. i laughed for about 2 minutes before running out of the boardroom. it was really funny la. Go ask Vic Wenjhiern or Junren. ok some trial advo pics.

Me aka Chong Ti Lang. I was pam's witness.

Vic posing at the photocopy machine. so funny!!!!

Pam the Prosecutor.

you think Canon will pay me for advertising?

acting cool in the boardroom.

pretending and posing.

my opponent wen-jhien and Jun Ren, his 'Bawas'.

posing with the grandfather clock.

Victor and i enjoying the sofas. anyway, i only prepared my opening statement an hour before trial and my questions were prepared the day itself, within 1 or 2 hours. that's why i was so COCK. but anyway, pass fail, just pass fail.

ok CLT here i come! happy with a C+.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

birthday post part 2

ok so these are some of the pics. mainly those of the fullerton surprise and the pandan chilli.
guys, i cant stress this enough. i really like the presents you gave and i cant say how blessed i am. i wont mention who gave what but these are some of the prezzies. sorry pam and jess, yours is not here cos i am wearing it in the other pictures.

The collage of my presents. the slipper in the circle is the present. the rest are my old slippers.

manu laughing, having a good time while i am in pain.

after the first smash by mel. look at the cake on the floor.

pam, me in new shirt, and mel.

nick Kathy me and grace

victor tqui shawn and i

poor me, it really looks like blood.

adopting the KT pose

this is a really funny pic, vic the lamp post with shawn and sylvia.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

MY BIRTHDAY BLOG. FINAALLY. ok its been a weekend of surprises seriously. i never expected people to care so much, and they did. So it's a wonderful feeling! Thank God for friends, and thank God for birthdays! Thanks to all you fellas who made my weekend! thanks to YOU DEAR especially!

Surprise 1: Joni coming down to NUS on friday morning to pass me the card. wah lau call me ion the morning tell me you are at NUS when i was still at home! thankfully pam drove so i could see you for at least 15 mins! ok shall not thank you further here. elsewhere.

Surprise 2: Cell group surprised me with a carrot cake from Cedele! the best carrot cake i have eaaten! i seriously was not thinking of it la. cos last week they were threatening NOT TO CELEBRATE for me so although it was just a lil something, i genuinely DID NOT EXPECT IT! thanks guys and girls!!!

Saturday night, baey shumin evelyn sylvia victor shawn and i went for dinner at newton. enjoyed the food and the delicious OR LUAK. i SHIOK the or luak down. ate a lot leh. yah the stingray and all. was so shiok. then came surprise 3.

Surprise 3: Jun Jun came with a cake from Island Creamery! (i love island creamery cakes, really). i kinda guessed the surprise when Jun was speaking on the phne to me when we were at Newton. aiya, complicating story la, but that was really sweet of Jun! and thanks to Janice and Angie who were there too!!! i loved the cake. ReversO packed.

Surprise 4: BakerzInn at Fullerton. Initially i was complaining that i was wearing damn lousy cos i thought we only going Newton mah. but i am glad i wore just t-shirt and berms. ok it's another complicating story, this one, with us bumping into Jordan at Esplanade and me spotting Nick Grace Azmin KT before anyone else did. actually i am still confused. was the surprise meant for sylvia and i or me? and then there was the Jordan coming in and telling us about Pam quarelling with some outside guy and the guys going out to 'rescue' her, and the finale:

Melissa Liew running straight at me, in slow motion with a pandan cake coated with SinSin Extra Hot Chilli Sauce. (more on the cake later). i thought she was running towards me with a cake and going to present it to me. little did i know that she was going to smash it on my face. WOW. as if that was not enough, KT took it up from the floor and SPLAT! again on my face. ok.... after a while it got really painful and then there was the toilet fiasco.

i washed my face neck and body in the toilet for half an hour, writhing in agony. the toilet aunty was quite pissed. the public thought it just came from a gangfight. WARNING: Sin Sin Extra hot chilli sauce is KILLER. do not ever let in come into contact with your face. it's meant to be in your mouth, not your face, or neck, or back. IT IS AS PAINFUL AS GETTING BURNT BY HOT WATER. MY SKIN WENT FROM BEIGE TO RED. OUCH OUCH OUCH! AS I TYPE THIS THE PAIN IS COMING back. my hair is STANDING.

haha yah although it was really painful, it WAS FUNNY and yah.. thanks anyway guyS!!! yes manu, thanks. i would have preffered JAM, but ya la, would be only half as funny right. anyway, friends, really, thanks for all the presents. SERIOUSLY THANKS!!!! i had no idea my 23rd would have so much stuff, cos i was not thinking of anything at all. no party, no big dinner, just simple stuff. SO, I CANT THANK YOU GUYS ENUFF FOR EVERYTHING.

sunday - went for NEW CREAtion service, which waas really good. (no not only the company). every point made by Pastor Prince related to me. after that, hung out with Joni for a while and i had dinner with parents and sis.

OK, the exciting part - the FOTOS!

sis and i at dinner. she looks kinda funny here.

most of us at Fullerton at the end of the night, after the surprise and all.

evelyn shumin baey and sylvia, having a fun time, i suppose.

Jun Janice Angie and me at Newton with my lovely cake. IT WAS REALLY SWEET.

Dad and Mum.

Shawn and Vic eating Choot Choot. i love Choot Choot very much.

Mummy and i sharing seafood platter with beef. i love food.


US at newton!