Sunday, December 11, 2005

NUS VCF Annual Teach In Camp 2005 (ANNTIC)

Anntic was great. for me, it was much better than last year's. there are a few reasons.

i shall make them clear here.

1. Spiritually, my faith has grown from last year, due to many different reasons. the fact that i was a bible study leader for this camp forced me to seriously look at issues and think of them. Somehow, God was gracious and blessed me with wisdom this camp. it was really refreshing spiritually.

2. i liked my group this year. there was a good mix of people from science, arts, and law. there were no engineers though. they were frenly, welcoming, willing to share, and the testimonies were a great blessing. they are also very cute, and funny, and love to sing. more on group ZEPHANIAH on my next entry.

3. There were many many law people this year. if i am not wrong, there were 25-30 law students at the camp. one phrase that Zanzoo remembered was 'throw a stone and chances are you'll hit a lawyer'. i was very encouraged that we had so many law students this time compared to last. the year ones are also very commendable, they meet every night to pray and discuss their vision. amazing stuff. there were about nine year 2s this time. it was great having bob sleeping next to me, seeing nick, Jordan, grace, kianteck, joseph, amanda, laura, yinbing, bob in the camp. so many familiar faces, i didnt feel so lost and alone like last year. last year, some of us law people (well at least me) felt so out of place cos many of the vcf people already knew each other.

besides these 3 reasons, there were many incidents that made the camp oh so memorable and lovely. i shall recount some of them briefly.

1. going out on the 2nd night with the Law 2s to the roti prata place for supper. was quite good, and had a good time out of camp. the next morning the camp comm told the campers that there would be no more going out for supper. haha. at least we got to go out. so we were quite happy although some of us felt like prisoners for the 3rd 4th and 5th night. haha.

2. the numerous games and songs that my group sang. so funny. the experential games were great too. and though weiying sprained her ankle during the camp, i think it helped our group grow closer as we took turns to piggyback her, these in turn led to many conversations which went past the superficial 'what school you from what eca etc etc' ones. thank you group, the next entry shall feature you.

3. 9 of us had a mini misadventure on the way back from the malaysian customs. Qibin Yue-En Yanchang Shawn Kianteck Gary Amanda Grace and myself ended up in a group making our way home from City Square. We decided to be adventurous, and walk from the malaysian customs to the singapore one. We went back and forth, got a lil lost, had directions from many old men, went thru the complicated roads, endured all the smoke, all the mess, and finally, got on the long walk back on the causeway. it was quite an interesting experience. i am glad that everyone was positive about the whole thing, especially the 2 girls, who did not mind but kept their spirits high. for me, i was delighted. i love these kinda misadventures. the shopping and walk walk at city square itself was also fun. i love malaysia secret receipe and KFC original. shiok and damn cheap.

4. the seafood dinner out of the camp on the last night at this semi kelong restaurant.

5. the time i spent reading God's Word, reflecting, and the worship sessions. amazing. the worship leaders did a great job. great choice of songs, good leading, and yet not too distracting and giving glory to God. was truly a great experience.

OK, as for 3 lessons i learnt. or re-learnt.

1. God is Almighty, Omnipotent. Faith in such a God is not misplaced. Kingdoms come and pass, but our God's kingdom will never pass. God gives and takes away.

2. The example of brave courageous and faithful Daniel. What a hero. Through fiery pits, lion's dens, interpreting visions and dreams, this man ought to be respected. i need to foolow him and do what is right in the eyes of God, all the time, and everytime, despite strong social pressure that says otherwise. What a character.

3. Ther ARE other Gods in my life that i need to get rid of. the things on earth ARE precious, like relationships, friends, family, money. All these are God given for out pleasure. Food too. but if we place them over and above God, the problem begins. Let's worship the Creator and not the creation. (dont worry baby you are second only to God)

yeap. with that, i end my long entry. pictures time. the next post will feature more of the people and my group Zephaniah.

us walking along the causeway. see the woodlands checkpoint in the back?

the building we were housed in. Majowe Camp. it is a Catholic campsite.

most of the law people.

a traditional KT pose.

mussels at our sumptuous seafood dinner.

a typical spread at our lunch in camp. 1 veg, side, and i meat.

my must have pose. with food.

i liked this chicken curry a lot. just slightly sicy but very tasty, it had a mysterious blend of spices and a tase i never experienced before. the food was generally good.

the fantastic roast chicken at the seafood dinner. Hallelujah!


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