Saturday, September 30, 2006

end of the one week holidays!

Once again, I have been inspired, and encouraged to blog, by a friend’s comments. I think if not, I would not have the motivation to open WORD and start typing.

I always am delighted when people, especially friends of mine, get over something in life which has bugged them for ages. Some issues are trivial, but some are serious. And I have learnt that what is trivial to you may be serious to another. So whatever the issue, I congratulate you, my friend, on moving on and continuing on with life.

As is said, we should conquer the circumstance and not let it conquer us. After all, we are made to reign over the Earth.
Genesis Chapter 1 verse 26:
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

So we, who are made in God’s image, should hold ourselves up highly, knowing that we are honourable, and now, made righteous by the blood of Christ.

As for what’s been happening, hmm. Nothing much, just worked at Acts Lifestyle from Monday to Wednesday during the holidays and had an unfruitful time trying to get work done on thursday and friday.
Jurisprudence test is on Friday 6 October. God grant me wisdom!

As for pictures, well I thought it would be good to post up some of my cell group pics since this past Sunday was small group ministries Sunday at Wesley.

marcus me daphne lion and lawrence at orchard towers subway, december 2004

lion king's 21st birthday at cell group

joni jerry shawn marcus eileen ay cell retreat december 2005. notice shawn retarded pose!

lion and jerry enjoying coconuts at pulau ubin

erm. i cant remember whose birthday this is. either gary or yas 22nd.

easter 2005 at jun jun place

cell girls at east coast with bernice dog! SHO CUUUTE!!

christmas dinner 2004 at marcus place!

have a great week, you blessed one(whether you think so or not)!

Monday, September 18, 2006

chiu is meh meh

Good afternoon all.

School has been fine and I am really happy with my current timetable: I only have jurisprudence and Evidence to handle. It s okay I guess but the Islamic law paper I have to write is starting to scare me. It’s 6000 words and it is not law. That’s the worst part.

It is history, sociology, politics, and law. Plain law is more comforting actually. Take for example Evidence Law. The gist of what we study is whether a certain piece of evidence may be admitted or not. As simple as that. And to score better, we critique whether this should be the way or not, and what possible alternatives we can think of. Rather straightforward. Of course, there will be tougher issues here and there in modules like property and public law.

But I find Islamic Law, a paper about LIFE, really difficult to handle. I think I have over-estimated myself by choosing two ‘fluff’ subjects in Jurisprudence (what is law?) and in Islamic Law. Honestly I thought IL was about what is contained in the Shari’a, but actually, Hallaq goes far far beyond that. It’s a mini-study of Islam and Westernization as a whole.

With that, I must say it is one of the most challenging semesters I have experienced. This is real education. Lessons and theories of life, forcing you to think about all the institutions you are in (the state, democracy etc) and what they stand for and how they have been made.

It’s also been stimulating my views about Christianity and my life and belief as a Christian. I think it’s a wonderful experience and I thank God for this chance of education and really being able to appreciate the truth in life and what and how he moulds me.

To end off, I want to share a verse which has touched me and I believe will work stronger and stronger in my life.
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and powerful. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

and here are some pictures of what's been happening in the holidays and now!

joni and i at her dad company family day at sentosa in july

joni and i at keppel club just before shawn 24th birthday dinner at Tung Lok. i love a la carte buffets.

joni posing at Olive Ristorante where we had our 6th month anniversary dinner. the food was so so only. everything else was lovely of course!

happy people at marcus 24th birthday dinner, where the food never fails!!

CELL GROUP in the lift at my place. i might be taking up some space.

my latest toy: "Meow Meow'. She's really adorable and is the family's new baby.

CELL at my place

wonderful crab at Macpherson where shawn victor vivien kt and i had kt's birthday supper!

TILL next time, Goodbye!!!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Another pic of us.. enjoying the korean bbq! One of joni's fav cruisine! the bbq rib is the bomb! we had a second helping cause one was just not enough. i was even bo liao enough to take a video of it sizzling on the hot grill...ou yeah!

ok movie time later, will it be little man? the movies arent packing much good shows theses day..

return of the WEH WEH!

Merry September everyone!

It’s been a long time and I would like to revive my blog. Some current updates on myself: I am 100 kg (+/-5). Erm… I have moved to Serangoon road, near Boon Keng NEL Station….. I own a cat called ‘Meow Meow’…Year 3 in Law School has finally started (and before I know it it will be the exams!)….and of course I am (still)happily attached to Joni(for those who are wondering). I do not like the word attached. I wonder which culture adopted the word for its current meaning. I think it sounds a little too juvenile. However, in today’s context, I think ‘dating’ and ‘going out with’ already have too casual connotations attached to them, so I avoid using those words.

So I shall elaborate on my definition of ‘attached’: “being in a serious relationship with getting together as an ultimate goal in the future.” Well, for now, it’s something like that.

Anyhow, I was chatting with Friend, hmmm, lets call Friend Caddy. So caddy and I were talking about his near approaching birthday, and I remembered what happened last year. Caddy, another friend and I went Hu Cui @ Taka for dinner for his 22nd birthday. The following day, some friends in law school surprised him with green tea cake and mooncakes. Time flies (whether you’re having fun or not, because I don’t exactly think studying long hours and writing law essays are very fun), and it’s been one year since all of that happened.

I also think back on my own birth-day last year where I was surprised, not with green tea cake but PANDAN CHILLI cake. I doubt the sensation and memories will ever leave me. The more painful it is, the more one wont forget. But it was all fun.

So, school is a far cry from what is was in the first 2 years. Apart from the fact that the batch only has 1 common lecture in the form of Evidence, we are further dispersed (I feel) by the structure of the new school. There is not so much a common area now as we had in Clementi NUS. No more comfortable dirty-smelly-dusty-coffeestained sofas outside the library. And the library is made of 3 mini-levels instead of 2 broad areas, where we would be able to see who was coming in and out.

But I would hesitate to say I like or dislike the new arrangement. It’s all a matter of perspective. I would prefer to think I like it now because, heck, whether I like it or not, it is now like that. So might as well like it right?

Ok enough rubbish and time off my hearsay readings, which are tons and not easy to read. Meanwhile, Smile, and be happy (no I am not referring to the gahmen campaign).
I mean smile, cos life should be led joyfully, cos God loves you!

And here are some pictures to end off!

at animal show in sentosa

at a restaurant in Bangkok MBK