Saturday, September 30, 2006

end of the one week holidays!

Once again, I have been inspired, and encouraged to blog, by a friend’s comments. I think if not, I would not have the motivation to open WORD and start typing.

I always am delighted when people, especially friends of mine, get over something in life which has bugged them for ages. Some issues are trivial, but some are serious. And I have learnt that what is trivial to you may be serious to another. So whatever the issue, I congratulate you, my friend, on moving on and continuing on with life.

As is said, we should conquer the circumstance and not let it conquer us. After all, we are made to reign over the Earth.
Genesis Chapter 1 verse 26:
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

So we, who are made in God’s image, should hold ourselves up highly, knowing that we are honourable, and now, made righteous by the blood of Christ.

As for what’s been happening, hmm. Nothing much, just worked at Acts Lifestyle from Monday to Wednesday during the holidays and had an unfruitful time trying to get work done on thursday and friday.
Jurisprudence test is on Friday 6 October. God grant me wisdom!

As for pictures, well I thought it would be good to post up some of my cell group pics since this past Sunday was small group ministries Sunday at Wesley.

marcus me daphne lion and lawrence at orchard towers subway, december 2004

lion king's 21st birthday at cell group

joni jerry shawn marcus eileen ay cell retreat december 2005. notice shawn retarded pose!

lion and jerry enjoying coconuts at pulau ubin

erm. i cant remember whose birthday this is. either gary or yas 22nd.

easter 2005 at jun jun place

cell girls at east coast with bernice dog! SHO CUUUTE!!

christmas dinner 2004 at marcus place!

have a great week, you blessed one(whether you think so or not)!


Blogger eileen said...

Zhiwei, you posted the lion king and Jerry's cococut picture twice...always love your much warmth....thanks for putting up the pictures...its me and a boring sunday afternoon

4:07 pm  
Blogger yeshye said...

hey miss song, glad the pics gave you warmth! i like that pic a lot so i unconsciously posted it again.
i shall post up more emotion evoking pics soon haha!
Anyway, come back soon! We miss you!

5:17 pm  

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