Sunday, August 07, 2005

CHOO family

this is my family at Vines Restaurant, Novena, for my parents dunno whatff wedding anniversary. i think it is 25th. anyway, School is starting, i am dead tired, have not bought my books. why holidays end so fast? but then again, i am quite excited to start school man. no more PGP, take bus everyday. sounds daunting. oh ya but i will be moving house at end of the year or early next year. just hope i move to a place which does not require me to walk 100 upslope whenever i go out. either that or someone buy me a car. jess can give me her suzuki swift.
my mother.

me and my adidas SL80

my sister, Rachel Zhu aka Rikaku

my dad. he is really full of nonsense. he thinks the sausage is a shit.

the Choo family. Zhiwei, Rachel, Iris, Peter.

Sis and Dad tucking in to minestrone soup.

My mother and sister. mum is about 160 while sis is a whopping 173cm. Damn. i have to stand straight beside her or i look shorter.

So, comments anyone? do i look like my family?


Blogger Yas said...

Your family looks so cute together! I always wonder where you get your absurd crankiness from.. seeing the picture of your dad with the sausage explains it all... haha

11:11 am  

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