this week really really really shit student. i missed 3 lectures. i really never read. i online during all lectures. so i felt really bad. SO. i did a good thing tonight. i started wrapping my books just now. quite proud of myself cos i think i did a good job and it looks as if it has been wrapped by a girl. yea good good good. good start. see the scissors and the scotch tape. as can be seen i am quite proud of my wrapping.
wednesday night we had our year 2s christian dinner at Joseph's place. and it went well. glad for the relatively good turn out and some good sharing and conversation we had over the dinner table. i hope all can make it more regularly for our morning prayer meetings.
thursday lunch. was just about to but my rice from the malay stall. oh that chicken wings and begedil and all that oily and curry. but kenny called just be my turn and offered something better. lunch with him and his mum at bukit timah's Punggol Seafood. how to resist such good lunch and company!!??? shawn and i immediately left for there. had a great time. now this is what school should be like. and that same night we had kenny's 'last dinner'. Hong Kong street Chun Kee at thomson. famous for their sum lou hor fun. the other dishes were good too.
wednesday night we had our year 2s christian dinner at Joseph's place. and it went well. glad for the relatively good turn out and some good sharing and conversation we had over the dinner table. i hope all can make it more regularly for our morning prayer meetings.
thursday lunch. was just about to but my rice from the malay stall. oh that chicken wings and begedil and all that oily and curry. but kenny called just be my turn and offered something better. lunch with him and his mum at bukit timah's Punggol Seafood. how to resist such good lunch and company!!??? shawn and i immediately left for there. had a great time. now this is what school should be like. and that same night we had kenny's 'last dinner'. Hong Kong street Chun Kee at thomson. famous for their sum lou hor fun. the other dishes were good too.
us at the entrance doing some sexy poses. after that, we procceded staright to the prata bomb for.......the prata bomb. since we were there already, just eat la. i mean, kenny's last few days here leh.
the prata bomb. i dont mind terrorists bombing me with these.
hey kenny. bye man. one more year till we gorge like crazy again.
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