Tuesday, February 14, 2006

a highly emotional day

it has been a day of ups and downs. what a day. let me share my misery first.
i sent my computer, or rather, my dad sent the comp to Cuthbert, our computer man, to remove a virus. which i think can be easily removed by most mortals. and guesss what.
he reformatted my ENTIRE hard disc and ALL, yes, ALL my photos and videos are GONE.



the remaining ones are those on my blog and those that my frend have. SO IF YOU, yes you, have any photos that i am part of, PLEASE DO email or send them to me! i would really appreciate it. i am one who treasures memories and the past a lot. i love taking photograhs. so it really is quite a disaster for me.

on a happier note, HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY everyone. i am not one of those suckers for V-day cos i think it is SO damn commercial and really just a money making gimmick. i also find it cheesy that there are couples walking around holding hands and looking SO IN LOVE on this 'special day'. HEY MAN, if ya in love, everyday is special, just like for joni and i. everyday is wonderful.

BUT ANYWAY, thank you dear for making my day. thanks for ending it off with a terribly SWEET 'book' or collection of photographs rather. BABY YOU ARE THE BEST! i feel so guilty now for my whimpy little gift. oh no. but it is the thought that counts right?

yes, so today was a really sad yet sweet day. BAH, i am still upset about my pictures.

as for why i havent been updating, it is cos i really am so damn busy. but things are getting to a halt, as i have just finished my last official MEET Team meetings and Joint meetings. Also, LAw Ball culminates this friday at TRader's Hotel, also, i have officially ended my service at YM. NOW, time to concentrate on cell group, VCF law, and School.

yes, almost forgot that i am a student. public law assignment due next friday.

more to come soon!


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