Sunday, March 27, 2005

relaxed week.

this week has been fun. relaxed. but i am damn scared now cos
1. moots is in 7 days
2. legal theory is in 15 days and i know nothing. again. alas.
3. crim is in 28 days
4. contract is in 35 days.
it really is kinda scary. especially when i know nothing.
but i still wanna watch the EYE10. hopefully this week before i full steam ahead.

this year i have learnt a bit more about the significance of Jesus's death and resurrection. i hope to appreciate it more cos it is strange that i, as a christian, am not appreciative of it. it seems as if i think i deserve that Jesus suffered and died for me. i don't deserve one drop of His blood, but yet, it has been given. so i will try to learn more about Christianity. actually i really am quite a stranger to God. i know the theories. i know what to say. but, i might not know God that well. all these years i have been living a religion. i think it's time i changed it into a relaitonship.

ok this week, i just want 2 more indulgences.
1. clementi fried chicken (this is part of the help shawn programme cos he fasted on fruits and veg last week, so must help him recuperate from all that yucky fruits stuff. yux.)
2. movie, and Sun Moulin's -bananawithspongecakeandhelllotofcream- thing.

oh ya and so many funny things happened this week but i forgot to note them down. one i can remember is that pamela loves to kiss O-M-K-K-C. that is for you to figure out. can someone remind me of all the funny things that happened this week? oh ya i watched woodsman. paedophile show, was quite appropriate cos i watched it with manu. i am not the paedo. and guess whose name he kept repeating during the show? haha. "______ is SHO cute! play with BOBO!"

ok thats it. happy mooting you law students. happy studyin my student friends. happy armying my army friends. happy working my working friends. happy being happy my all friends. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU.


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