Wednesday, September 14, 2005

some updates

ok as i had said there have been many interesting things last week and this week so far but i am not going to blog about them all cos it's too damn long and some things are PRIVATE after all. HEH HEH HEH. i am also helluva shacked out now after soccer, dinner and stuff so i shall just put up some pics!!!!!
me at dinner with Kathy and Shawn. i am eating the remainders of the Beijing Duck. shiok. this was at hu cui, a crystal jade branch in Taka.

this is the duck. roasted duck is one of my MOST favourite food. we ate the skin with the popiah thingy and the meat was served like that to us. ooooh yeah.

at the entrance of the restaurant. kathy with yet another gay pose.

at kathy's birthday surprise! in the student lounge.

this is just a funny shot. pam and i were on the way to the bus stop and we chanced upon the 'shop' in the Law IV play - Roses and Hello!!! it's really cute so we took a few shots!

just another random pic. choosing what to wear and this is part of my room.

went for 'roses and hello' on sunday night and i thought it was quite good. shawn gerald and i.

sunday morning youth Ministry went down to play some games at West Coast. not bad, quite fun though only 5 youths and 2 leaders from GAY came down. the overall turn out was good though. from the left, david Fong Xuefeng Me Rachel Andrea. Aren't they adorable!!??

Joni came down for the play too on sunday night. she said it was quite good. i hoped the 'lawyer jokes' didnt put her off cos sometimes you wont enjoy these kinda faculty plays as they like to crack internal jokes. but i thought it was fine and i am glad she came!

ya thats all for my mundane updates. coming up next: my decayed molar tooth. cant wait to show all of you those disgusting pics of my rotten tooth.


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