Thursday, September 22, 2005

(half) DONE!!!

ok i just 'finished' the property assignment. finally. i've been really slow but it's done. just need to tweak some parts which i will leave to do on sunday. hopefully it wont take more than an hour. 2 hours max. now to get on with tonight's first trial advo tutorial and the impending company law test on wednesday. tonight's tutorial is at Rajah & Tann. i hope it will be fun.

something else. was really in a good mood till i received a real bad piece of news. well...kinda crushed me a lil. it also reminds me that life can be...real unpredictable and you never know. you never what it has in store for you. the only thing i can do now is pray and ask God for directions. and trusting always in His providence for all that happens.

Dear God, i want to learnt to trust. help me to stop trying to control all thats happening cos in the end, i am human and we can never craft all that's around us. even if we grow so powerful. so help me give it up to you Lord, Creator, Saviour, and Ruler of the universe.

Good day everybody.


Blogger 우찌유 said...

You know the NIKE slogan? JUST DO IT? I believe there's no such thing as learning to trust. It's really a case of JUST DO IT. You may think I'm like the worst person to be giving advice in this aspect. But well. Your choice la. I trust. And it's been amazing.

5:41 pm  

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