Tuesday, September 20, 2005

great mood

ok i am in a great mood today. though it did start off badly. yah it's the 2nd day of the hols.

yesterday i was really in quite a bad mood, upset by some stuff here and there. and i know that the stuff that i am upset about is really silly, and i know i am just being an idot. but i cant control it sometimes. i know i am a cock. but yet, these idiotic feelings just overwhelm me. although my rational mind tells me i am being illogical.

so anyhow today i went school had breakfast with kerong and 'started' on the irritating assignment. and well, it was going OK till some point at about 12 i think. something happened and i've been in a great mood since. yea!

so we had lunch, discussed with jinhuang and wendy, had some great laughs, and i went off to meet sumei and jerry for dinner, and we went for the talk 'Fact/Fiction' by Rev Gordon Wong. well it was quite good. and jerry lion yan sumei and i went balestier for some good Bak Kut Teh and we had a great discussion on God and proving morality and that has also contributed to my fantastic mood. i think apologetics is really my passion. i really appreciate you guys and your company and all that we talked about tonight.

ok so i trudge on this week, with a property assignment and company law test to study for. but i trust God will encourage me and bring me through it all. He also told me last week, and also on monday night, that i need to learn to love more. Life is about Love and your relationships and friendships that you build. Yes, that's right. ultimately, that's what matters. i need to love EVERYONE. yes EVERYBODY. i think that's really tough but i will work on it!



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